Our post-program evaluation surveys reflect a
100% satisfaction rate by LYP Program participants on both their overall learning experiences and program recommendation rate.

The LYP Program is the brainchild of award-winning trainers Dr. Jean Kim and Lilit Simonyan. I had the pleasure of participating in the program and came away with a sense of empowerment and the confidence to make my career more meaningful and rewarding. I would highly recommend the program to anyone who is looking for the support and direction they need for greater success.
Here are a few things I took away from the program:
Sharnelle K.
Social Media Manager
As a woman in the heavily male-dominated field of Chemistry, I joined the LYP program to equip myself with the knowledge and skills to break the glass ceiling in my industry. Through the program, I became clearer on my personal brand and also gained new perspective on how to network strategically. I have a better understanding of who I am, how I add value and am ready to confidently share that brand message with my community.
In fact, with this clarity and confidence, I started working on some of my action plan items right away even as soon as on my train ride back to Ottawa upon program completion. For instance, I’ve started updating my LinkedIn profile, reconnecting with past connections to strengthen those relationships, and asking for recommendations based on the brand message I want to convey about myself. After the program, I really feel like I can achieve my goals. Thank you Jean & Lilit for your great help.